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How to be confident in Interview | Professional Interview Tips

Tips For Interview

Goa Jobs Site has brought you Interview Tips from Professionals, So read it get and perform well for your interview. Being confident in an interview gives your a major advantage for placement, Not only confidence but way of handling Questions and situations while interviews also matter

Interview tips

Tips for Before Interview 

Learn about your interviewers and the company

It is important to get an understanding of the company and the interviewer’s role in the organization. Learning this information can help you feel more confident in the interview. Study the company’s website, recent press releases, and social media posts to understand its goals, and determine how your experience makes you the best fit. Search specifically for its mission statement and overall objectives so you can talk about them with the interviewer.

Ask for the interview format

All firms have different ways of interviewing, so find out what type you should expect. Some will ask brainteasers, case questions, or typical interview questions. Most will ask specific questions about the role, and you may need to solve a problem or complete a daily task. Ask the human resources manager what you can expect so you can adequately prepare.

Prepare your answers for commonly asked interview questions

Come prepared for some common questions, like, ‘Tell me about yourself.’ Answer this question by highlighting your background and what makes you competent for the job. This is the best way to present your elevator pitch.

Other common interview questions include:

  • Why do you want to work for our company?
  • What are your greatest strengths?
  • What are your greatest weaknesses?
  • How would your last supervisor describe you?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Why did you leave your last job?
  • Explain a challenge and how you overcame it.

Prepare your list of questions that you would like to ask during the interview

Pick questions that will demonstrate your interest in the job and the company. This might include commenting on the news you learned from the company website and then asking a question related to it. Also ask questions about the job you will be expected to perform, like:

  • How will my responsibilities and performance be measured? By whom?
  • Can I know some of the daily responsibilities of this position?
  • What qualities would you expect in someone successful in this role?
  • What challenges are you currently facing in this role?
  • Could you explain your organizational structure?
  • What computer equipment and software do you use?
  • How do you measure performance for this position? How often?
  • What departments does your team interact with regularly?
  • What do these departments use to collaborate?
  • How does this process work?
  • What is the organization’s plan for the next five years?

Answer questions using the STAR method

Expect the employer to ask you about how you applied a specific skill in your previous job. Tell stories using the STAR method:

  • Situation: Describe a specific challenge you faced.
  • Task: Explain your role in the situation.
  • Action: Detail the steps you took to overcome the challenge.
  • Result: Explain the results you achieved, including anything you learned.
  • leave a lasting positive impression on the company!


Remember to bring important items to the interview:

  • Notebook and pens
  • Extra copies of your resume and a list of references
  • Copies of the letter(s) of recommendation, licenses, transcripts, etc.
  • Portfolio of work samples

Dress for the job or company

If you get in touch with the human resources manager before the interview, ask them about their dress code and prepare accordingly. If you’re unsure of how to dress, research the company online to see what employees seem to wear daily. Choose a business professional dress if you can’t find any information on the dress code. Today’s casual dress codes do not permit you to dress as “they” do when you interview. It is important to know what to wear to an interview and to be well-groomed. Whether you wear a suit or something less formal depends on the company culture and the position you are seeking. If possible, call to find out about the company dress code before the interview.

Make your schedule to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early

Be On-Time to the Interview, Make sure to arrive at least 10 minutes early to the Interview. The company will appreciate the timeliness and being prompt. It will also give you a chance to go over what your responses to the questions are as well as to make sure you look good and feel good! Find out the directions to your interview location ahead of time to ensure that you are there on time. Do a practice run in whatever method of transportation you plan to use. If you get there early, spend some time observing employees and how they interact with each other to see what the atmosphere is like.

During Interview Tips

Be Respectful of the Interviewers 

Give the utmost respect to interviewers that are conducting the interview and asking you the questions. The people are always writing notes about your answers and your behavior. This is their first impression of you besides what’s on your resume, you want to make sure to 

Always Remember 

  • Introduce yourself to the receptionist and to everyone you meet in the interview.
  • Thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you, both at the beginning of the interview and again at the end.
  • Shake hands with everyone, using a firm—but not forceful—grip, and make strong eye contact.
  • Sit when you are asked to sit, not before.

Good Non-Verbal Behavior 

  • Keep eye contact with the interviewer during the interviewer 
  • Make sure to always sit upright and be open with your body posture 
  • Look interested in all the questions the interviewer is asking you 
  • Keep all of your mobiles and other electronic devices turned completely off. A phone set to vibrate will interrupt the meeting.


One of the most crucial interview tips is: Listen. From the very beginning of the interview, your interviewer is giving you information, either directly or indirectly. If you are not hearing it, you are missing a major opportunity. Good communication skills include listening and letting the person know you heard what was said. Observe your interviewer, and match that style and pace.

Don’t talk too much

Telling the interviewer more than he needs to know could be a fatal mistake. When you have not prepared ahead of time, you may ramble when answering interview questions, sometimes talking yourself right out of the job. Prepare for the interview by reading through the job posting, matching your skills with the position’s requirements, and relating only that information.

Be confident and Authentic

Look confident and accessible the moment you enter the premises. Sit or stand upright. Build self-confidence and release anxiety and stress by taking deep, slow breaths. When the interviewer offers a handshake, stand upright, look at the person confidently and smile. Be firm in your handshake.

Being authentic during interview conversations helps employers relate to you. A smile and positive body language can help you feel relaxed when speaking with interviewers.

Don’t appear desperate, Be concise and focused in your answers

When you interview with the “please, please hire me” approach, you appear desperate and less confident. Reflect on the three Cs during the interview: cool, calm, and confident. Interviewers are usually busy and only have a limited amount of time for each interview, so keep your responses concise. Stay focused by practicing your answers ahead of time.

Prepare first

Develop answers in your head before you respond. If you don’t understand a question, ask for it to be repeated or clarified. You don’t have to rush, but you don’t want to appear indecisive.

Speak with Energy and Provide True Details

Make sure to always have a lot of positive energy and only provide true details about your previous employment or achievements. DO NOT LIE about anything in your interview. A company won’t want to hire someone for false information. It can be tempting to overstate your accomplishments and skills, however, interviewers prefer and respect honesty. Stay focused on your major strengths and explain how your background qualifies you for the position.

Ask questions

When asked if they have any questions, most candidates answer, “No.” Wrong answer. Part of knowing how to interview is being ready to ask questions that demonstrate an interest in what goes on in the company. Asking questions also allows you to find out if this is the right place for you. The best questions come from listening to what you’re asked during the interview and asking for additional information.

Relate your answers to your accomplishments and skills

Make sure to answer a question by relating it to your previous job experience with examples of results and solutions you have achieved. Use the STAR method to tell stories that detail your process and achievements. Relate every opportunity to the requirements in the job specification.

Tips For After Interview

End the interview with a good impression. A positive end to the interview is another way to ensure your success.

  • Be courteous and allow the interview to end on time.
  • Restate any strengths and experiences that you might not have emphasized earlier.
  • Mention a particular accomplishment or activity that fits the job.
  • If you want the job, say so!
  • Find out if there will be additional interviews.
  • Ask when the employer plans to make a decision.
  • Indicate a time when you may contact the employer to learn of the decision.

Ask for the next steps

After the interview, it is better to ask your recruiter, hiring manager, or interviewer about what you should expect in the following week. They will possibly send you a follow-up email with your interview results and a request for additional requirements like a reference list, an assignment, or another interview.

Follow up with a personalized thank-you email

Request a business card from each of your interviewers to send them a personalized thank-you email. If your interview was in the morning, email your thank-you note the same day. If your interview was in the afternoon, the next morning is fine. Make sure to keep each email distinct from the others by using the notes you wrote during the conversations.

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